miðvikudagur, nóvember 05, 2003

Jæja þetta er skrýtið. Það er komið eitthvað template frá allt annari manneskju inn í Main Template hjá mér... og þar má meðal annars finna þetta:

I hate being left behind. Whenever there's someone I know who's leaving the country, I feel more and more alone. I might look like the usual go-crazy happy person but behind that is a picture of me in a pitch-black room. Alone. I hate being alone because that's where the feeling of death comes in. In the "real" world you are yourself. But at the end of the day and when you look at yourself in the mirror, you are dead. And Death keeps smiling back at you.

Sjálf get ég ekki skoðað eigin síðu og þess vegna getur líklega enginn lesið þetta!

Engin ummæli: